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What to expect in this course (10:52)
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Group Coaching Calls
How homework feedback works
DISCOVER - Unit 1: Choose Your Course Topic
1.0 Introduction (2:23)
1.1 What course are you creating? (20:52)
1.2 Decide on the customer journey (9:33)
1.3 Naming your course (10:10)
Unit 1 Homework: course profile statement (2:31)
Bonus Resource: 60+ Course name ideas
DISCOVER - Unit 2: Know Your Ideal Students
2.0 Introduction (1:26)
2.1 Discover your ideal client avatar (10:14)
2.2 Identifying problems and solutions (12:52)
2.3 Finding the transformation (9:44)
Unit 2 Homework: Kniebe Canvas (4:47)
MAP - Unit 3: Develop Your Course Curriculum
3.0 Introduction (1:42)
3.1 Find your course destination (6:30)
3.2 Choose a course structure (13:34)
3.3 Identify your course model (18:32)
Unit 3 Homework: Course Map (5:21)
BONUS: Map your Course Content with Trello (115:58)
MAP - Unit 4: Support Your Student's Success
4.0: Introduction (2:49)
4.1 Three ways to build engagement (29:01)
4.2 How to create feedback loops (17:34)
4.3 Developing pathways for success (16:35)
Unit 4 Homework: Engagement plan (5:35)
CONNECT - Unit 5: Validate Your Course Idea
5.0 Introduction
5.1 How to validate your course idea (33:10)
5.2 Asking the right questions (21:09)
5.3 Making sense of your results (18:52)
Unit 5 Homework: Create your validation questions
BONUS: Email copy inspiration
CONNECT - Unit 6: Build Your Online Audience
6.0 Introduction
6.1 Visibility for launch (21:45)
6.2 Your 4 step visibility strategy (31:07)
6.3 Using the Kniebe Canvas for content creation (12:44)
6.4 Creating a wait list page (15:08)
Unit 6 Homework: Visibility plan (4:03)
BONUS: Grow Your Own Facebook Group (41:30)
CREATE - Unit 7: Choose a Course Delivery Platform
7.0 Introduction: Choosing a classroom
7.1 Creating a virtual classroom (22:28)
7.2 Using a Facebook group to deliver your course (12:27)
7.3 Exploring Teachable (19:39)
7.4 Homework: Choose a platform
BONUS: How to Host Your Course On Your WordPress Website (53:32)
BONUS: Choosing Your Course Platform; Is Membervault Right for You? (56:18)
CREATE - Unit 8: Develop Your Lessons + Resources
8.1 Teaching 101 (21:07)
8.2 Creating successful video lessons (23:31)
8.3 Recording + tech (17:51)
8.4 Scripting your video lessons (15:09)
8.5 Creating a slidedeck in Canva (17:28)
8.6 Creating workbooks + resources (20:57)
BONUS: Recording a voice over for your slidedeck
Unit 8 Homework: Recording Plan
Next Steps
Congratulations! (5:01)
How to create a waitlist page (7:34)
Group Coaching August/September
Call 1: 04-08-20 (36:39)
Call 2: 18-08-20 (60:26)
Call 4: 15-09-20
Last Call: Next steps... (75:29)
April/May 2020 Group Coaching Calls
Group Coaching Call 1 - 14/4/20 (33:48)
Group Coaching Call 2 - 28/04/20 (64:54)
Group Coaching Call 3 - 12/05/20 (52:58)
Group Coaching Call 4 - 26/05/20 (58:13)
7.4 Homework: Choose a platform
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